Message Delivery
Interactive Voicemail Services
Our interactive voicemail talks back if you need it, prompting the caller. And it sends sound files directly to your email, so you can stay organized on the go.
Flexible Message Delivery
Specify who gets the message based on time of day, caller or situation. Talk to us about the possibilities.
Startel® Secure Plus Messaging – HIPAA Compliant
Our client web portal is easy-to-use for administrators, it allows your business to increase productivity while maintaining compliance.
All the Message Delivery Features
– At A Fraction Of The Price!
You pick the method. You pick the frequency. You pick the recipients. That’s how AnswerLive makes it work for you. It’s a customized solution that bigger answering services may offer as an expensive, add-on feature. You won’t find that with us. And with our easy-to-use, mobile-friendly client management too, you can be assured all your messages will be in one spot. Whether it’s an urgent matter, or just a daily batch of messages sent through a medium of your preference, you’ll have your information exactly when you need it.

Never miss an important moment with Startel Secure Messaging and Tigertext.
The Startel Secure Messaging Plus application is a safe and effective way to send and receive HIPAA-compliant text messages.
Sender’s text is fully configurable and can determine the length of message life within a 30-day period. Content is always encrypted.
Features include receipt notifications, remote wipe, voice and image attachments and auto-expire messaging.

Customer Testimonials
Try AnswerLive FREE!
- 14-day free trial
- Fast onboarding process – start this week!
- Half the cost of comparable answering services
- No contracts or commitments
- Variety of features and flexible pricing plans
- Easy-to-use client management platform
- Personal account manager
- 30+ years, 2,500+ happy clients and counting